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筛网产品中英文对照表(wire Mesh products table in both Chinese and English)

来源: 作者: 发布日期:2019-01-01 访问次数:6585
不锈钢丝方孔网(布) stainless steel wire mesh(cloth)
密纹网(席型网) dutch wire mesh
黄铜丝网 brass wire mesh
磷铜网 phosphor bronze wire mesh
五综网 five heddie mesh
铅丝网 square hole wire mesh
黑丝布 black wire cloth
钢丝网 steel wire mesh
镍丝网 nickel wire mesh
紫铜丝网 red copper wire mesh
预弯铁丝网(轧花网) crimped wire mesh
铁络铝丝网 iron chromium aluminium wire mesh
预弯不锈钢丝网(轧花 crimped stainless steel wire mesh
塑料丝网(乙烯网) plastic wire mesh
尼龙网 nylon netting
蚕丝绢 natural screening silk mesh
工业滤布 industrial filtering cloth
气液过滤网(针织网) wire mesh for filtering liquid gas
除沫器 wire mesh foam remover materials
过滤网片 filtering mesh packs
过滤器(滤芯) filter series
宽幅网 wider wire mesh
公路铁路护栏网 high-way and railway wire mesh fence
隔离栅 wire mesh grating
草原围栏网 prairie fence wire mesh
荷兰电焊网 holland electric welded wire mesh
电焊网 welding wire mesh
大型电焊网 heavy electric welded mesh
特种电焊网 special electric welded wire mesh
钢筋焊接网 steel ber welded wire mesh
不锈钢电焊网 stainless steel electric welded mesh
小型钢板网 petite expanded mesh
重型钢板网 mightey expanded mesh
冲孔网 punching hole meshes
卷板圆孔网 rpll bending round hole meshes
蚀刻网 chymic rusty mesh
六角网(拧花网) hexagonal wire mesh
重型六角网 mightey hexagonal wire mesh
美格网(防盗网) beautiful grid wire mesh
刺绳(刺铁丝) barbed wire
刀片型刺网 razor barbed wire
不锈钢刀片刺网 stainless steel razor barbed wire
建筑防护网 building satety protecting netting
菱形网(勾花网) diamond wire mesh
塑料平网 plastic plain netting
土工格栅 glassfiber geogrids
玻纤网格布 fiberglass gridding cloth
PVC裹塑丝网 pvc-coating wire mesh
不锈钢窗纱 stainless steel window screenin